Welcome to Wahre Lebenswerte
We invite you to discover and experience our unique natural change agents.
Caring for yourself with products from Wahre Lebenswerte is a pure and profound experience of purification, realignment and well-being.
Feeling how they envelop your skin in bliss and gently stimulate regeneration gives your everyday life lightness and grace.
Let the following pages inspire and enthuse you!

The path to the new
Get to know the minerals, gemstones and plants that we combine in our creations so that they unfold their full effect. Listen to their essential whispers and whisperings, which tell of true life values and invite you on a journey into the new.
Elemental powers of nature

Willpower, clarity & strength
Remember your true nature.
Unleash your indomitable willpower for good, find clarity and strength in the core of your being!

Transformation &
Escape the intoxication of this world.
Cleanse your body and mind.
Let go of the old.
Become new!

Rock crystal
Decision-making power, structure & order
Experience crystal-clear order and structure.
As above so below, as within so without.
Find the essentials.
Make up your mind!

Rügen chalk, zeolite, tourmaline quartz
Like a phoenix from the ashes
We are the three unifiers. We have a balancing and invigorating effect and form a lime shell for change.

Find the beauty
Royal messenger in the name of love and your inner home. I always have your salvation in mind, both defensive and gentle.

Follow the joy
Take a hearty bite.
Crunchy, juicy and fresh.
My secret is joy.
It leads you to your goal!

Avocado & evening primrose oil
Here you are safe
Green and yellow like hope and light.
We give you care, nourishment and well-being.